You are supposed to have run through the streets of Syracuse naked when you discovered upthrust? Nice.
Saying that, I do like upthrust. It stops you from drowning and instead makes you float. The principal goes;

'When a body is totally or partially immersed in a fluid, it experiences an up thrust equal to the mass of fluid displaced'.
Supposedly Archimedes discovered this law while taking a bath. He noticed that the level of the water in the tub rose as he got in, and realized that this effect could be used to determine the volume of the object.
Water is assumed to be incompressible, so the submerged object would displace an amount of water equal to its own volume.
He then found that by dividing the mass of the object by the volume of water displaced, the density of object could be found.
He is said to have used this idea to prove that a crown was made of lesser materials, rather than gold, as he showed the crown to be less dense.
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